Marlo Manson
Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
::Clears throat:: in "Austin Powers voice" "Yeah Baby... Yeah..." laughs Now what MF'ers?? its a series now and the Sharks are Sweatin or they should be.. cuz I say Detroit wins game 6 in Detroit on Tuesday... and as we saw tonight its on baby!! its on.. the Kronwall hit on Clowe sparked that comeback big time!! and Datsyuk what can you say about the Houdini like moves he made.. Marleau's jock strap is still sittin in the right side face-off circles..
:uohs: That was SICK!! I jumped up when I saw Holmstrom in front of the net, cuz I said holyshit they just scored and it seemed like 15 seconds went by before they started celebrating!! I saw the puck hit the netting and my mouth dropped.. I was like oh shit were gonna win the game..
I am being a realist and I am saying that I think Detroit will win game 6, but SJ will prolly comeback home and win game 7.. its just unlikely from historical perspective that Detroit can comeback and win both game 6 and 7.. but whatever happens if they do win I will be elated for sure.. if they lose atleast us fans in DETROIT know they went out fighting, with heart, and like a true championship experienced battle tested team should.. :2 cents:

I am being a realist and I am saying that I think Detroit will win game 6, but SJ will prolly comeback home and win game 7.. its just unlikely from historical perspective that Detroit can comeback and win both game 6 and 7.. but whatever happens if they do win I will be elated for sure.. if they lose atleast us fans in DETROIT know they went out fighting, with heart, and like a true championship experienced battle tested team should.. :2 cents: